Part 1: Brad Pitt claimed hes already paid Angelina $9 million in child support

July 2024 · 4 minute read

Brad Pitt and Quentin Tarantino film 'Once Upon a Time In Hollywood' on the streets of Hollywood

This is Part 1 of the Brangelina coverage. Part 2 is Angelina’s response to this.

I feel like TMZ is about two days away (at most) from actually calling Angelina Jolie a C-U-Next-Tuesday. TMZ has done this for year, taking the side of the men, painting various women as unhinged shrews, difficult bitches, nasty women and money-hungry c–ts. Sounds a lot like how Donald Trump approaches the world, and big surprise, TMZ is in bed with the Trumps too. Anyway, this is just my way of saying that it’s really obvious what TMZ is doing with this Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt divorce situation and I find it really gross. The story is that Brad Pitt’s lawyers filed a legal response to Angelina’s request to speed up the divorce decree and formalize a child support structure. This is how TMZ reported it:

Brad Pitt’s lawyers aren’t mincing words … they say Angelina Jolie is a master manipulator and a liar by essentially claiming he’s a deadbeat dad, because they say he’s forked over more than $9 MILLION over the last 2 years. Brad’s lawyers have responded to Angelina’s latest attack where she claimed in legal docs he hasn’t paid “meaningful child support” since their split in September 2016.

In new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Brad fires back … he loaned her $8 million so she could buy the home in which she currently lives, and shelled out more than $1.3 million in child support. Brad’s lawyers say Angelina and her lawyers have engaged in dirty tricks, calling them out for “a thinly-veiled effort to manipulate media coverage.” Brad’s lawyers point to Angelina’s legal docs that were filed earlier this week, in which she asks the judge to grant the divorce quickly so she can be a single woman again … leaving child support and other issues for a later date.

The attorneys for Brad are calling BS, saying THEY were the ones who called Angelina’s lawyers last week asking for exactly that … to grant the divorce decree quickly and then later deal with child support and property settlement issues. They say her lawyers said they’d discuss the matter with their client, and then Angelina made it look like it was SHE who wanted the quickie divorce.

The docs accuse Angelina of filing papers with the court that are “calculated to increase the conflict.” They say her gripe over child support is bogus and she knows it.

[From TMZ]

The only “fair enough” point I’ll give Brad is that he was legitimately asking for the divorce to be formalized before Angelina requested it. I know because Team Pitt leaked that sh-t to People Magazine and Us Weekly weeks ago, because that’s the way he’s been operating this whole time, with sh-tty leaks attacking Angelina for being so slow, so difficult, such a raging bitch, etc. I believe his lawyers approached Wasser about speeding up the formalization, and that Jolie made everybody wait and then she acted like she was the one who wanted it first. That’s the only thing I’ll give Team Pitt, even though I still don’t understand why that one thing is such an issue. His lawyers basically filed legal papers saying that Brad wanted to be divorced FIRST and now that Angelina wants to be divorced, he’s all pissy. Unless all of this is just about his IMAGE… oh, right.

As for the argument that Brad has already “given” Angelina $9 million… by his own accounting, $8 million of that was a LOAN. A loan is not child support. A loan means Angelina will either pay it back or she’s already paying it back. I also assume that he loaned her the money on the condition that she would get a house close to his, to more easily facilitate visitation. Which she did. As for the additional money… “sources” already ran and cried to Page Six about what that money went towards: security, travel, therapy. Why is it such a big f–king deal that Angelina wants to set down a structured child support payment system? Is it because Brad is only concerned about his image…? Oh, right.

As for Brad crying about how Angelina is trying to “manipulate media coverage”… five words: The Unicornfication of Neri Oxman. That was a mess and I guess we’re supposed to forget that it ever happened? Brad’s team has been leaking all kinds of crazy and dumb sh-t for months, I’m just sayin’.

Angelina Jolie heads out after an interview at the 92Y in New York

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
